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Bátori Zoltán (2005): Differenciálás a tanulásszervezésben. In: Balog, Tóth, szerk (2005): Fejezetek a pedagógiai pszichológia köréből. Neumann Kht, 2005

Buckley (2002): Can children with Down syndrome learn more than one language? Down Syndrome News and Update. 2002;2(3);100-102.

Bird, Cleave, Thordardottir, Cupit, Demers, Randell-Gryz, Nowell, (2002): Language learning in children with Down syndrome: the impact of linguistic context. Paper presented at theSymposium on Research in Child Language Disorders and IX International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 2002

Edgin, Kumar, Spanò, Nade (2011): Neuropsychological effects of second language exposure in Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 55.3. 351-356.

Hivatkozások, ajánlások

Hanák Zsuzsanna (2011): Differenciált munkaformák alkalmazása In: Estefánné Varga Magdolna szerk,(2011): Megújuló tananyagtartalmak, módszerek a kompetenciaalapú tanárképzésben

Hill, Miller (2013): Classroom Instruction that Works with English Language Learners. ASCD

Krashen, Terrell (1983): The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom, Oxford, England: Pergamon

The New Bloom’s Taxonomy & Foreign Language Instruction