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Perceiving and sensing

It has become evident by now that in martial arts the ability of coordination has a crucial role. Without coordination either in full contact martial arts, for example, judo, ground fighting, wrestling and sumo or in hit martial arts such as kick-box, taekwondo etc. there is no success (Nagykáldi, 2002).

Full contact martial arts are characterized by kinaesthetic competences and abilities. When these athletes touch, punch and grip each other, their arms, torso, neck and legs, they have to feel muscles and motions. In hit martial arts primarily the ability of visual perception is indispensable. A kick-boxer in a ring should assess the size and extent of the ring. He/she has to visualize how to carry out a technique on the spot and whether that specific hit will be effective and be able to incorporate advanced moves. If he/she wrongly assesses the periphery when using roundhouse, sweeping techniques and side-kicks he/she fails to achieve his/her aims and may be laughed at by other competitors.