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2. Exercise

2x12 metre long mat

Starting position: stand at one end of the mat and face to the other end

  1. swing right leg high, handstand position, forward roll into supported tuck position, jump into straddle with supported hands
  2. close legs, head-stand position (3 sec), swing legs into straddle and stretch torso into a bend, hand on hip, jump into squat position
  3. jump with 180 degree angle turn to the left, land into supported tuck position, stretch knees with supported hands on the ground, lean back, legs stretched in seat position, backward roll into straddle with hands support on the ground, legs fully extended in seat position, backward roll into supported tuck position
  4. jump into supported tuck position, backward roll onto shoulder stand (3 sec), swing leg behind head (foot touches the ground)  arms stretched low on the ground, swing leg, lie on abdomen
  5. knee flexion, straddle to sole support and swing arm to handstand, hands pressed down by the head, roll to arch (3 sec), lower to supine position, legs stretched and arms held high
  6. 180 degree angle turn to the left, lie on the abdomen, arms stretched, push-up position, jump into supported tuck position,  90 degree angle turn to the right, swing leg to side, turn on hands to the right into straddle
  7. jump into arched stand, position, swing arms back, jump with extended legs  and swing arms at sides, harms held high, land in arched position while swinging arms, base position