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Exercises preparing athletes for more complicated motions

  1. Stand legs apart in a throwing position, hopping
  2. Arms are away from the body, circling with barbells
  3. Circling the arms back and forth with barbells
  4. Straddle, holding the barbell  at shoulder level , altering hand and pushing it high up obliquely
  5. Squat position, circling with barbells with both hands while springing up, progressing forward
  6. Shadow boxing with small barbells
  7. Throwing a medicine ball with two hands from a lower position while jumping forward
  8. Throwing backward a medicine ball overhead
  9. Throwing backward a medicine ball between legs
  10. Throwing the ball overhead
  11. Springing up from squat position then pushing the ball high up from chest level
  12. Throwing the ball forward against the wall  and trying to catch it before it touches the ground, the thrower turns around his/her axis
  13. A rolling ring should be targeted  with the ball
  14. How many times can a thrower push the medicine ball against the wall within a given time?
  15. Who can throw the ball the farthest distance then catch it?
  16. Who can push the ball up to the ceiling (while standing, sitting and kneeling etc.)?
  17. The medicine ball is pushed over the rope. The student who has managed to do this should bring the ball back. It is a failure if the ball is tossed under the rope.
  18. A tries to push B toward a line, but B resists
  19. Pushing the ball with explosive power between two tree trunks
  20. Sitting on the knees and throwing the ball with both hands over the head
  21. Combined sprint- and pushing: starting sprint from prone position then throw a shot-put being 10 m far from the athlete
  22. Long-distance run with a medicine ball, three athletes are involved, they are passing the ball to one another. One of them stands in front of the other two athletes. A passes the ball to B then he/she runs behind B, B passes the ball to se. The exercise is done continuously (Murer, 2000).