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3. Exercise

2x12 metre long mat

Starting position: stand at one end of the mat and face to the other end

  1. leap onto toes, swing arms back law, start running (2-3 strides), float, roll forward into supported tuck position, step out forward, swing arms at sides
  2. lift back leg into arabesque(3 sec), lower to right supported tuck position, on the floor lift left leg, right leg close, lower to abdomen position,  180 degree angle turn to the left into backward push-up, seat stretched legs, swing arms at sides
  3. bend torso forward, touch ankles, backward roll with hands support on the ground, lean back with hands support, arms pressed against thighs,   stretched legs seat, backward roll to squat position, arms on hip
  4. lift left leg to flying position, swing right leg forward, handstand position, forward roll into squat position, head stand (3 sec), forward roll to squat position
  5. 90 degree angle turn to the left to floating position, swing right leg to the right, turn on hands to the right to straddle, swing hands at sides,  90 degree angle turn to the right into opposition position, swing arms, arms held high, base position.