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6. Exercise

2x10 metre big mat

Starting position: sit on knees, hand high up 1-1, 5 metre far from one of the ends of mat facing the other end.

  1. swing left hand at sides, turn head to the left, swing right hand at sides, turn head to the right
  2. swing right leg forward, swing arms high up, focus on your hands, step forward into right offensive position, run, stand on hands, land into right floating position, left leg behind back and swing arms at sides
  3. close legs from the left, lower into push-up, forward roll into supported tuck position, lift, turn with 90 degree angle to the left into left floating position, swing right leg and swing arms at sides
  4. step out to the right into opposition position, turn on hands, land at side, straddle with hands stretched at sides
  5. turn with 90 degree angle to the left, close legs back, push up onto toes and hands held high, lower into supported tuck position
  6. backward roll into supported tuck position, jump with 180 degree angle to the left into straddle, swing arms, arms held on hip, jump into supported tuck position
  7. push into hand stand (3 sec), lower into supported tuck position, leap into knee seat, swing arms at sides, hands stretched high up, base position