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8. Exercise

2x12 metre long mat

Starting position: stand at one end of the mat, facing other end

  1. swing arms high up, swing arms forward, hold arms low, knee bouncing and bend torso forward, knee bouncing, swing arms forward, hand held high, bend torso backward, swing arms at sides
  2. stretch torso, swing right leg forward into left floating position and swing arms, arms held high, step out forward into right opposition position, handstand, lower into right floating position (torso is vertical), swing arms into chest level
  3. lower into right tuck position, roll forward into supported tuck position, stretch torso into squat, swing arms into chest position, swing knees, then knee down and hands held high, lower into left knee seat, stretch right leg forward and bend torso forward, swing arms back, hold arms low
  4. step out to the right, swing arms high up, 90 degree angle turn to the left into straddle, swing arms into chest level, place body weight onto left leg, swing right leg at the side, step out to the right into opposite position, turn over on hands to the right side into straddle, swing right leg, crossed, toward left hand, swing right leg into straddle
  5. 90 degree angle turn with a leap on right leg to the right and swing left knee forward, arms held high, leap altering legs, swing arms,  keep arms low, close legs fro m the right into arched position, base position
  6. stretch knees while bending torso forward, sit back, hands pressed onto the ground by legs, backward roll, squat backward into shoulder stand (2sec)  knee flexion with then swing knees up to chest, stretch knees into shoulder stand, forward roll into supported tuck position
  7. jump into push-up, swing right leg back, swing right leg forward into right tuck position, lifting up, step out forward into left step out position, circle arms forward, arms held low, base position