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The development of the balance system

The balance system can be developed with the help of a variety of sensory and equilibrium stimuli. The primitive reflexes (e.g. the clamshell-sucking reflex) are gradually degraded, while movement forms and processes typical of humans develop and are strengthened; eye movements become adequate, coordinated operation of the two sides of the body is stabilized, neurological processes are becoming more mature and complex.

A non-exhaustive list of tools and devices which can be used in the process of the development of the balance system:

 (They can be found in the gym)

  • trapeze   
  • ring
  • fit-ball
  • foam exercise mat
  •  hula hoops
  • beam
  • balance disc, ball balance disc
  • wall bars


The sense of balance plays a crucial role in sustaining the balance in the equalization of disruptive factors.

The degree of balancing is determined by: 

  1. The complexity of the coordination task.
  2. Adaptation to changing tasks or situations, the duration of the adaptation period.
  3. The time of learning the tasks that requires a high level of balance.

    The more perfect the balancing ability of the individual, the faster the lost equilibrium will be restored. A strong correlation can be observed between a person’s physical preparedness and his/her balance performance.

 Two main methods to develop the sense of balance:

  1. Balance exercises

Balance exercises consist of such movements and body postures which create difficult conditions for preserving balance. For example, we deliberately lose our equilibrium and then try to return to a steady balance position again.

  1. Exercises which employ straight lines and angular acceleration

Both types of exercise are necessary because the versatile adjustment of the vestibular apparatus can only be achieved if both linear and rotary motions are applied as a fundamental stimulus. In individuals with particularly weak sense of balance and in children, rotational changes in position can lead to much better results.

The source: Koltai Jenő – Dr. .Nádori László: Sportképességek fejlesztése. Budapest, 1976. Sport.

Hereinafter, I would like to present a new sport device, which may be used to develop the sense of balance and which can be obtained by schools within their financial means.