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7. Practice Test: testing the flexibility of the lumbar spine to bend forward

Task: sitting, legs flat on the ground, feet flexed, the inner soles 2-3 fingers away from each other.

With a pelvic tilt backwards, bend forward and touch the toes, maintain this position for 3 counts

Possible mistakes:

  • when the pupils cannot reach the toes
  • if the pupil bends their knees 

The development of the capacity of the lumbar spine to bend forward 

1. Starting position : stand straight on the bench, with dumbbells in your hands, arms at the sides, bend your trunk forward for 4 counts, then hold the position for 8 counts (let the weight of the dumbbells pull down your trunk) and on the 4the count roll your trunk up

2. Starting position: partners face each other, sitting with legs apart, the feet touch the partner's feet, holding hands.
One of the participants pulls the other forward but that participant tilts their pelvis backward

3. Starting position: One participant is sitting, legs flat on the ground, their partner is behind them, standing, legs apart.
The sitting participant tilts their pelvis backward and bends their trunk forward, while the standing partner pushes down the other's back.