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Practical application

CrossFit requires a very complex and very thorough preparedness, but the exercises can be made easier, which makes it possible to implement them in the movement practice of physical education classes. At that age strength can be developed only by using one’s own body weight or with the help of dumbbells or medicine balls. For example, if in a given WOD the Thruster is included, a child carries out the exercises with a medicine ball or weighted bucks. The bottom line in this case is that the WOD should be almost the same, while CrossFit modifies the load and the intensity, not the program itself. A time-based version can be used instead of repetitions, for example: 30 seconds squats, 30 seconds push-ups, 30 seconds skipping-rope, and so on.

It is important that the load should always be appropriate for the age group, and here the role and responsibility of a trainer and a coach are huge because a well-structured training and adequate stimuli can help students, but if children’s  abilities or techniques are poorly assessed, then there may be a risk of injury. In case of a new exercise the proper technical implementation should first be taught and the load should be determined according to the principle of gradualism. It is absolutely necessary to hold a dynamic warm-up before the CrossFit exercises. With some imagination the tasks can be made more playful, so that the development of abilities can become more enjoyable both for younger and older children.