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III.2.4. Series of exercises


Beat 1-8: basic with left foot and heel raise, arms extended to the sides, and step down, then same to the opposite direction.

Beat 9-16: step up with left foot, right knee up, kick, knee up, then step down to starting position

Beat 17-24: step up with right foot, left knee up with arms raised above head, step down to the left side of the step, right touch behind with arm swing to the shoulder line on the left, then step up with right foot and with left knee up, then step down to starting position

Beat 25-32: step up with right foot and ankle-step 3x with clap

Beat 33-64: beats 1-32 to the other direction


Beat 1-8: V-step with left leading and with arms raised diagonally above the head, then the same with right foot leading and with a 90° turn

Beat 9-16: crossing the step diagonally with the arms raised frontally, then step up with right foot on the centre of the step, touching the left foot on the step with the arms raised above the head, step down

Beat 17-24: right shuffle across the step circling the arms in front of the body, then hop up with left foot and with swinging the right leg back, arms raised to the sides, step down;

Beat 25-32: pony on the step with right then left foot leading;

Beat 33-64: beats 1-32 to the other direction.


Beat 1-8: step up with left foot, right leg swing backwards with arms extended to the sides, then the same to the opposite direction;

Beat 9-16:  mambo with left foot forward and back, then step up with left foot and right knee up, step down;

Beat 17-24: step up with right foot and left knee up 3x (after the second knee up: left foot let down crossed and touching the floor at the other side of the step), step down;

Beat 25-32: step up with left foot and with a 90° turn, right foot steps up, left steps down on the other side into fork, right foot steps down into fork on the front side of the step, then hop up to the step in 2 counts circling outward with the arms, step down on the front of the step;

Beat 33-64: beats 1-32 to the other direction.


Beat 1-8: step up with right foot and alternated heel raise on the step 3x, step down;

Beat 9-16: step up with right foot and left knee up with arms raised above the head, then step down to the left side of the step, right shuffle on the step lengthwise with arms circling in front of the body, step down on the right side of the step;

Beat 17-24: step up with left foot and knee up alternated 3x, step down on the front of the step;

Beat 25-32: right mambo back and forth, then right step up with a 180° turn to the left, right step with a 180° turn to the left 2x (=turnaround in two steps);

Beat 33-64: beats 1-32 to the other direction.

Exercises were performed by Zsófia Kaári, Klára Szigeti and Lili Tóth, students majoring in Physical Education - Trainer BSc.