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Everyone knows the plastic disc that people play with on the beaches challenging each other to see who is able to catch it and throw it forward to a third one. Playing with the disc, passing and catching it provide a perfect form of entertainment, but the competition sport known as ultimate Frisbee is a more serious activity.

The game has a rather interesting history. In 1871, a William Russel Frisbie moved to Bridgeport to start and run a bakery. By 1958, his business produced 80 000 pastries per day. The orders were delivered on disc shaped trays. Around 1920, the students of neighbouring Yale started to throw these plates among each other then use it as sports equipment. They soon realized that replacing tin lids with plastic ones they can have an equipment of more favourable characteristics. As a team game, ultimate Frisbee dates back to the summer of 1967.

The game arrived to Hungary in 1992 thanks to an American couple, Bob Flynn and Yvonne Wittmann.


Gameplay demo in the video below: