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III.1.8. Methodology

Advice on leading a class:

  • always give short, precise instructions
  • transitions to the next exercises have to be smooth, with the instructions given at the right time
  • demonstrate the correct posture
  • avoid alternating standing and ground exercises.
  • try to lead the classes in a good mood, cheerfully.
  • behave naturally.

The principles of gradation and specificity in the aerobics class:

Favourable biological effects can be achieved in the aerobics class by gradually increasing and decreasing the intensity of high and low impact exercises. It is important to conduct proper transitions and to decrease intensity gradually in order to reduce the time needed for the settling of the heart rate (restitution).  

The distribution of intensity is bell-shaped. Both low and high impact exercises are to be executed with low and high intensity.

4. hi. imp.- hi. int.

3. hi. imp.- lo. int.

5. hi. imp.-

2. lo. imp.- hi. int.

6. lo. imp.- hi. int.

1. lo. imp.- lo. int.

7. lo. imp.- lo. int.

In order to induce the adaptation of the body, the participant has to remain in the training zone. Help to calculate training zone on the link below: