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I.2.3. Mono korfball

In mono korfball, two teams, each consisting of 4 players (2 females, 2 males) play against each other with two posts. Dimensions for the field of play are 24 x 20 m, the posts standing 7 m away from the end line and 10 m from the side lines. Rules are the same as in korfball, except for the fact that the field of play is not divided into two zones, thus immediately after seizing the ball, the defensive team is allowed to attack respecting the rules of korfball.

For the sake of a sense of achievement (e.g. among children), further simplifications are allowed. Posts can be shorter (2.5-3 m tall), or at children’s (4 to 8 years old) matches, teams can have an extra person who holds the basket (without a post) trying to adjust its position to the ball’s trajectory. The basket holder stands on a small box he/she cannot leave throughout the game.