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Into the circle

Number of participants: the whole class together

Necessary equipment: tatami or carpets, stopwatch, a circle/square/rectangle drawn on the floor or hula-hoops

Skills: balance, strength, body combat, getting an efficient hold

The participants stand up scattered in the designated area.

Aim: on a mark, everyone takes hold of a partner (his/her hand or any other hold) and tries to make him/her get into a circle by pushing, pulling, lifting, etc. If he/she manages to get his/her partner into the circle of the hula-hoop then he/she is the winner.

The game continues until all the group members are in circles but one, who becomes the winner of the entire game.


  1. It is not allowed to jump over a hula-hoop.
  2. It is not allowed to push somebody from behind suddenly with great force.
  3. Lifting up anybody is only allowed by getting a hold on the partner above the waist level.
  4. Holding on to the clothes of a partner is not allowed.
  5. One person can only be attacked by two others at the same time.


  1. This game can be played by the whole class together but it is advisory to take the boys and girls apart into separate groups.
  2. We can also make groups based on weight categories.