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Bowling pairs

Number of participants: the whole class, in pairs

Necessary equipment: tatami or carpets, stopwatch, 1 bowling pin for each pair, hula-hoops

Skills: balance, strength, skillfulness

The pairs stand up facing each other in a designated area and hold hands. The bowling pin is set up between them.

Aim: to move your partner (push, pull, turn, etc) so as to make him/her touch or knock over the bowling pin.


  1. The bowling pin cannot be jumped over.
  2. A participant should not let go of his/her partner’s hand deliberately.


  1. We may use other equipment instead of a bowling pin.
  2. We can place several bowling pins (or other) in the game area.
  3. A variant of this game is when we put a hula-hoop on the floor between the two participants. They both stand outside the circle and they try to pull the other inside the circle.
  4. We can also vary the way the partners hold hands (same side, opposite side, etc).
  5. The game can be started out from different positions.