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Basic throwing techniques

The throw is the most important element of a successful dart player. And yet, most players do not analyze this critical aspect of their dart game. Most people go with what feels most comfortable without thinking about how they could be sabotaging their dart game. The next time you are shooting darts, take a closer look at how other people throw darts. Some rock back and forth, some lunge forward with every throw, some throw quickly and without a follow-through, and others balance on one foot.

Every throw is unique, but here are few things you should know before you develop your dart throw:

  • Proper alignment. The first step to a good throw is aligning your shoulder, elbow and hand in a straight line. All three should point at the board. Some people move their elbow slightly to the left or to the right depending on personal preference, but do not go too far with this movement because it can develop into bad mechanics.
  • Steady throwing motion. The ideal throwing motion is similar to how you would swing a hammer. Using your elbow your hand and your wrist for speed and your shoulder for support. As you extend your arm the elbow should rise up and create the force needed to speed the dart towards the board.
  • Holding the dart. Do not hold the dart sideways at the beginning of your throw. To achieve a high level of skill at darts all non-essential motions should be minimized or avoided. Keep your darts level and pointed directly at the target.
  • Balanced stance. A strong center of balance is very important to the throw. Whatever you do, make sure you are balanced when throwing. Leaning or swaying is typically a bad idea because it makes the dart board not only a small target, but a moving target.