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The development of sports-psychology and its content

It has always been an endeavour to come to know more about the spiritual phenomena of human life. When psychology became an independent science (Wilhelm Wundt’s name is linked to its beginning in 1879, Leipzig labour) it started developing dramatically. On the basis of various trends and schools (e.g.: gestalt, behaviourism, psychoanalysis, humanistic etc.) several theories were born and these tried to work with scientific criteria and principles. At the first third of the 20th century a great number of psychologists migrated to the U.S.A. Thus America became the centre of psychological researches. 

This video shows the work of Sigmund Freud, who was the Austrian creator of psychoanalysis.

Hungary has always played an important part in the theoretical and practical development of sports. In the 19th century lots of works have been born which were far ahead of their time. For example, Károly Budinszky’s  work (1884) entitled “The development of gymnastics and stamina” or Elemér Hanz’s “The impact of muscle work on our mental life” (1894, Nagykáldi, 1998). These titles make the interdisciplinary quality of sport psychology evident, that is, the two components of social and natural sciences were interwoven into these authors’ works.  It can also be observed and detected nowadays.