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Further investigations

The above mentioned questionnaires are evidently appropriate to diagnose eating and body image disorders and at the sane time they raise our attention to other details. Patients deliberately give false answers as they want to hide their problems. Naturally as soon as any disorder can be suspected after processing data further investigations will be needed. It is suggested that the patient should go to medical doctors in order to have the following examinations: anthropometric examination (body mass, body fat and muscle measurement), different hormonal examinations, such as ions, kidney function, liver function, iron homeostasis, abdominal ultrasound and ECG. It is also recommended to examine teeth decay and oesophagus deformity.

After collecting data a more detailed diagnosis should be done about family backgrounds, social and family relationships. Sufferers should also be asked if they read websites, such as Pro-Ana or Pro-Mia as they may affect the aim and the process of the examinations (Török and Pászthy, 2008).  World wide two third of young girls search for information about their health, 50% try to find  substances and methods  to be able to lose weight, and 26 % want data about eating disorders (Dohnt, 2006). Those websites are popular in which young people can share their experiences and perceptions regarding eating disorders. The first Hungarian Pro-Ana was launched in 2006 (Török and Pászthy, 2008). 

According to girls visiting Pro-Ana anorexia nervosa is not an illness but it is a means of achieving their aim, that is, to lose weight and have a proper, aesthetic body. They share there views about how to hide their feelings and behaviours and also offer advice. They send photos of abnormal bodies and models that are frighteningly fat females. They also suggest how to do purging mechanisms.

One of the main reasons for eating disorder is that sufferers will be isolated in their family. Using websites by young girls suggest them that they are not alone and these pieces of advice will become real for them (Gavin and et al, 2008).

There are websites which support recovery. They are designed by professionals and parents (Török and Pászthy, 2008).  Pro-Ana or Pro-Mia websites should be taken into consideration when therapies are the issues.