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Psychic feelings of mind and body

The examinations of psychic feelings are used to study mental health. Primarily the effects of social and economic status are in the focus of research. It is exemplified and well illustrated by the outcomes of Sujolzic and De Lucia (2007). By studying the teenagers’ body image researchers arrived at the following conclusion, that is, the other main factor having impact on the mental health of boys and girls with different nationalities (Albanian, Bosnian, Kosovo) depended on which country they lived. The Bosnian teenagers’ negative body image was accompanied with worse psychic feelings than the ones living in Austria or Slovakia. It has also become evident that their attitudes toward their body image and weight greatly affected their psychic feelings. Girls assessed their image and weight more unfavourably which meant worse discomfort (Vogt Yuan, 2010, Gray and Leyland, 2009). Exercises and free time activities affect teenagers’ psyche. Sacker and Cable (2006) showed out that those teenagers who did sports felt much better and healthier even 15 years later.