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SCOFF (Sick, Control, One stone, Fat, Food)-test

SCOFF is a five question screening question tool to clarify suspicion that an eating disorder might exist:

  1. Do you make yourself sick because you feel uncomfortably full?
  2. Are you scared to lose control over how much you eat?
  3. Have you recently lost more than 5 kg in a three month period?
  4. Do you believe others when they say you are not thin?
  5. Would you say that food dominates your life?

An answer of ‘yes’ to two or more questions want further questioning and more comprehensive assessment.

A further two questions have been shown to indicate a high sensitivity and specificity for bulimia nervosa. These questions indicate a need for further questioning and discussion.

Each yes answer means 1 point and if the interviewee gets 2 points it reveals that he/she has anorexia nervosa or bulimia (Morgan and et al, 1999). The Hungarian validation of SCOFF test is on its way by Túry and el al.