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Table 16: Exercises with dumbbells

DrawingVerbal instructionStart commandingOrdering, directing
Starting position: standing upright , dumbbells in a downright position
1 beat: leg swing to the left, swinging dumbbells to the side, shoulder level;
2 beat: lowering left leg into a lunge, bending torso to the right and swinging dumbbells into the „S” shape position;
3 beat: transferring body weight on right leg, swinging left leg to the left and dumbbells to the sides, shoulder level;
4 beat: lowering left leg and dumbbell into the initial position;
5-8 beat: repeat in a reverse order.
Assume a starting position; hold the dumbbells down!
Swing your right leg to the left and bring the dumbbells to the side, shoulder level! 1!
Lower your left leg into a lunge, bend your torso to the right and fling the dumbbells into the „S” shape position! 2!
Transfer your body weight on your right leg, swinging your left leg to the side and the dumbbells to both sides, should level! 3!
Bring your legs and the dumbbells into the starting position! 4!
Repeat in a reverse order! 5-6-7-8!
Continue the exercise! 1-2-3-4-swing-6-swing-8! … 7 and relax!
Starting position: standing upright, dumbbells down! Assume the starting position!
Leg swing to the left, dumbbells to the side, should level! 1!
Left leg into a lunge, torso bent to the right, dumbbells into the „S” shape position! 2!
Transfer your body weight on your right leg, swing your left leg to the side and the dumbbells to both sides, should level! 3!
Left leg and dumbbells down into the starting position! 4!
Repeat in a reverse order! 5-6-7-8!
Continue! 1-2-3-4-swing-6-swing-8! … 7 and relax!
Starting position: standing astride, dumbbells in a downright position
1 beat: swinging the dumbbells to both sides, shoulder level, and bending knees;
2 beat: bringing dumbbells to the shoulders, with knee bends;
3 beat: swinging dumbbells to both sides, shoulder level;
4 beat: straightening the knees and bringing the dumbbells down to the starting position.
Assume the starting position!
Start the exercise! 1-2-3-4-up-to the shoulder-3-4! … 3 and relax!
Stand in a stride position and hold the dumbbells down!
Swing the dumbbells to both sides, shoulder level! 1!
Bend your arms and bring the dumbbells to the shoulders, doing knee bends! 2!
Stretch out your arms and bring the dumbbells to the sides, shoulder level! 3!
Straighten your knees and lower the dumbbells into the starting position! 4!
Continue the exercise!
1-2-3-4-up-to the shoulder-3-4! … 3 and relax!
Starting position: standing astride, dumbbells down!
Assume the starting position!
Dumbbells to both sides, shoulder level! 1!
Dumbbells to the shoulders, with knee bends! 2!
Dumbbells to the sides, shoulder level! 3!
Knees stretched, dumbbells down to the starting position! 4!
1-2-3-4-up-to the shoulder-3-4! … 3 and relax!
Starting position: standing astride, dumbbells at both sides, shoulder level
1 beat: bending torso to the left, swinging dumbbells straight upward;
2 beat: straightening torso and bringing dumbbells into the starting position;
3-4 beat: beats 1-2 in the opposite direction;
5 beat: bending torso to the left, swinging dumbbells to the left side, shoulder level;
6 team: turning torso to the front, bringing dumbbells down the starting position;
7-8 beat: repeat beats 5-6.ütem in the opposite direction.
Assume the starting position!
Start the exercise! 1-2-3-4-turn-back-to the right-8! … 7 and relax!
Stand in a stride position, holding the dumbbells down!
Assume the starting position! Stand astride; hold the dumbbells at the sides, at shoulder level!
Bend your torso to the left and lift the dumbbells up, overhead! 1!
Back! 2!
In the opposite direction! 3-4!
Turn your torso to the left and swing the dumbbells to the left side, shoulder level! 5!
Back! 6!
Repeat in the opposite direction! 7-8!
Continue the exercise!
1-2-3-4-turn-back-to the right-8! … 7 and relax!
Starting position: standing astride, the dumbbells at the sides, at shoulder level.
Assume the starting position!
Torso bends to the left, the dumbbells up, overhead! 1!
Torso straightens, dumbbells downward into the starting position! 2!
Repeat in the opposite direction! 3-4!
Torso turned to the left, dumbbells swing to the left side to shoulder level! 5!
Torso turns to the front, dumbbells down into the starting position! 6!
Repeat in the opposite direction! 7-8!
Continue the exercise!
1-2-3-4-turn-back-to the right-8! … 7 and relax!