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Table 10: Stretching exercises for legs

DrawingVerbal instructionStart commandingOrdering, directing
Starting position: standing upright, feet together, arms extended straight overhead
1 beat: lunging left leg forward, arms lowered forward to shoulder level;
2 beat: lowering left leg and raising arms up into the starting position;
3-4 beat: beats 1-2 repeated on opposite side;
5 beat: lunging left leg to the side, hands behind head;
6 beat: lowering left leg and extending arms into the starting position;
7-8 beats: repeating beats 5-6 on the side.
Assume the starting position!
Action! 1-2-3-4-balra -down –to the right - down! … ….7 and relax!
Stand with your feet together; extend your arms straight overhead!
Lunge your left leg forward and lower your arms forward to shoulder level 1!
Lower your leg and extend your arm straight up to the starting position! 2!
Repeat on the opposite side! 3-4!
Lunge your left leg to the side and bend your hands behind your head! 5!
Lower your legs and extend your arms straight up into the starting position! 6!
Repeat on the opposite side! 7-8!
Start the exercise, Begin!
1-2-3-4-lunge-down to the side- and down! … 7 and relax!
Starting position: standing with feet together, arms overhead!
Assume the starting position!
Lunge left leg forward and lower arms forward to shoulder level 1!
Lower left leg and extend arm straight up to the starting position! 2!
Beats 1-2 on the opposite side! 3-4!
Left leg to the side and hands behind head! 5!
Left leg lowered and arms extended upward as in the starting position! 6!
Beats 5-6 do the opposite side! 7-8!
Start the exercise, Begin!
1-2-3-4-lunge-down to the side - down! … 7 and relax!
Starting position: sitting astride, body support with your hands behind the trunk
1-2 beat: rotations of the left leg anti-clockwise;
3-4 beat: Repeat beats1-2 on the opposite side.
Assume the starting position!
Begin! 1-2-to the right- 4! … 3 and relax!
Sit down with your legs apart and put your hands on the floor behind you for support!
Rotate your left leg anti-clockwise! 1-2!
Now your right leg! 3-4!
Continue the exercise! 1-2-to the right-4! … 3 and relax!
Starting position: stride sitting, body support with hands behind the trunk!
Rotations of the right leg anti-clockwise! 1-2!
Now in the opposite direction! 3-4!
Continue the exercise! Begin! 1-2-to the right -4! … 3 and enough!
Starting position: Lying on your back, leg lifts, holding ankles
1-2 beat: Pulling your leg toward chest 2x;
3-4 beat: changing legs, pulling your other leg toward chest 2x.
Assume the starting position!
Action! 1-2-the right one-4! … 3 and relax!
Lie down on your back, lift your left leg and grasp the ankle!
Bring your leg to chest 2x! 1-2!
Change legs and bring the other leg to chest 2x! 3-4!
Continue the exercise, Begin!1-2-leg change-4! … 3 and relax!
Starting position: Lying on the back, leg lifts, the hold on the ankles
Bringing the leg to chest 2x! 1-2!
Leg change and the other leg pulled to chest 2x! 3-4!
Continue the exercise, Begin! 1-2-leg change-4! … 3 and relax!
Starting position: side-standing against wall bars on the right leg, placing the left leg on the bars as high as possible, hands holding the bars at thigh level.
Task: Pulling the chest with the hands toward the bars, holding the position for 30m seconds!
Assume the starting position! Start! …10…20…30! Leg switch! Back into the starting position!
Stand facing the wall bars, place the left leg on the bars as high as possible and grasp the bars with your hands at thigh level. Pull yourselves forward to the bars and hold for 30 seconds! …10…20…29-and relax! Change the legs! Pull yourselves forward! …10…20…25-26-27-28-29- and relax! Starting position: standing against wall bars on the right leg, left leg on the bars as high as possible, hands hold the bars at thigh level Assume the starting position!
Pulling the body forward to the wall bars, holding the position for 30 seconds!
Start the exercise! 10…20…30!
Change the legs! Assume the starting position! Start! …10…20…30!