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V.8. Kinesthesia (motion detection)

Based on the literature of Gyetvai, Kecskemetine, Szatmari (2008), we can summarize the essential criteria of this skill. The diverse receptors of the motion analyzer, the so-called proprioceptors can be found in most muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Their adequate stimulus is the muscle tension. The content of the information running into the motion analyzer is not limited to the stimuli provided by the proprioceptors but the other senses and the external feedback also help the formation of the development of the correct motion memory.

The advanced level of motion detection is characterized by how much the “must” and “is” values deviate from each other. Motion detection develops from the moment of birth based on memories and the organization and start of action happen based on existing knowledge. The necessary action to implement seemingly small deviation in movements differs considerably. For example, to extend the arm to the side requires the mobilization of different muscle groups than to lift it to the front.

Exercises to examine the motion detection:

  • In lying or standing position swing the arms and legs to different positions;
  • Various starting positions;
  • Complex movements with different tools;

Evaluation of the exercises: according to the accuracy and success of the implementation of the movement.