VIII. Water camps and water touring at schools
Mihály Domokos
One of the basic requirements of organizing water camps and water tours is that organizers, teachers, and their assistants know thoroughly the legal background of camp organization and water traffic regulations. These regulations are to be summed up for teachers and camp organizers as follows. (It is not an absolute necessity to know all the rules by heart, but it is irresponsible not to keep them.)
Basic rules
These rules have been taken from the decrees and regulations detailed below.
Decree 57/2011. (XI. 22.) NFM (Ministry of National Development) on the regulations of water traffic (Nautical Regulations) and
decree 46/2001. (XII. 27.) BM (Ministry of the Interior) on the basic rules of staying on free waters.
Water traffic regulations for persons who tour on water
Kayaks, canoes, rowboats and other types of water sport equipment belong to the category of water vehicles.
Based on traffic rules kayaks and canoes –if not used for training or competing – belong to the category of boats.