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VIII.11. Basic rules of camp organization

Those people who are interested can find information on camping and water touring in guide books and numerous other documents. In this section of our teaching material you can read about the basic tasks and rules.

When organizing a water sport camp all the general rules of camp organization apply. On the other hand, considering the aim and tasks of water sports camps has a lot of special requirements. Camp orgnaization is a responsible job. If it is not done properly it can cause a lot of problems to many people.  

Standard camp

It can be organized in the vicinity of lakes and ponds and it means that campers build a camp site for themselves.  

Its main feature is that every day, having covered a certain distance on water, campers return to the same place. During the whole week(s) of camping campers stay at the same place. In these camps the conditions are usually good for organizing the programs we want to. There is no need for the transport of our boats. (Popular venues include Lakes Balaton, Velencei and Tisza )

itinerary camp

It can be organized by rivers. Campers keep moving to new places. Before departing they have to break the camp and then it is followed by travelling to a new camp site.  

Its characteristic feature is that it offers a variety of sights and activities to campers. If campers stay at wild camp sites it can be very inconvenient. Boats need to be transported from place to place using a special vehicle.


Planning is dependent on the type of the camp. The first task is to determine the aim of the camp in realtion to the target group and their age. Next step is to prepare a draft program, a document, which includes the time, the venue, the recreational and water sports programs and the conditions of participation.  

In the planning period

It is very important to select the members of the organizing team carefully, with a special emphasis on those people who are in charge of certain areas. (E.g. finances, water sports specialist, cultural organizer etc.)

The camp leader has to be an experienced person bexause this person has many responsibilities.

In the opinion of Péter Háncs:

Preliminary tasks of camp organization

  • Prepare budget,
  • Calculation of participation fees,
  • List of technical equipment
  • Organization of transport,
  • Organization of professional and recreational activities
  • Search for camp site, decision on accomodation and meals.

Organizational tasks

Preliminary inspection of the site and its environs.

List of external and internal (school) partners, establishment of contacts with them, cooperation.  

Preparation of information leaflet.

Personal equipment needed for camping

Only the necessary items should be taken in waterproof bags or backpack.  The most important items include the following:

  • Polifoam to sleep on ,
  • Sleeping bag,
  • Warm clothing for cold and rainy days
  • Raincoat, plastic bag to keep food in
  • Sunglasses, sunscreen, cap or hat
  • Knife, spoon, fork, plastic cup, can opener,
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Medicine for personal use.
  • Other personal items.

After registration a parents’ meeting is to be organized and participants need to be informed about the details. Parents and children should know as much as possible about the camp programs. Preliminary inspection of the site. Also, it is an important task to apply fro all the necessary permits, agree on the general and specific conditions and ordering meals.  

Organization of the transport of technical equipment (kayaks, canoes etc.)

Tasks performed on site

 Camp building

After the preliminary visit it is important to draw a plan of the camp. Issues to be considered are as follows:  

  • The ’structure’ of the camp needs to be clear and practical
  • It is good to have a ’closed ’ area as camp site;
  • The camp leader’s tent should be in the centre so as to be able to see the whole camp;
  • Tents and other structures need ot be put up professionally.

Camp structures

There can be different types of tents (living, storing things in, cooking etc.)

Camp building is a continuous job. The order of tasks to be performed is as follows:  

  • Putting up tents,

(The tents of a camp may be put up in a circle or in street-like fashion. When putting up the tents the following points need to be considered:  

  • Terrain (hilly, flat, rocky, stony, sloping etc.)
  • Local flora (wooded, bushy, sandy, grassy etc. area)
  • Wetness of the soil (dry, occasionally wet, permanently wet). Water discharge, watershed areas. Tents are not allowed to be put up in deep areas because those are the places where the water gathers
  • Main direction of the wind
  • Is it an area sheltered from the wind? (Open area, protecting flora, density, quality and size of trees and shrubs, The smallest surface of the tent should face the wind.! )
  • The tent should be protected from lightning.  
  • The tent should be protected from dew. The proportion of shady and sunny areas is important, too.  
  • Enough space is needed to tighten the ropes of the tents and still have enough space for walking safely between them.  
  • The fire place should be safe  and the smoke is not to go toward the tents.  

After arriving at the camp site the frist task is to inform campers about safety and security regulations, with a special emphasis on the dangers of being on and in water.  

Rules of camp behaviour  

It is forbidden to open or enter a tent without the permission of its owner!

It is forbidden to use each other’s equipment without the permission of the owner.  

Avoid making noise, because some of the campers may want to have a rest during daytime as well.  

No smoking is allowed in camp. Respect non-smokers.  

Every camper is to keep the rules of etiquette, and polite conversation.  

Keep your body and clothing clean and tidy.

Coninuous tasks during the period of camping include the monitoring of the schedule, cleanliness, hygienic rules, prevention of accidents, special programs and their specific risks, the care for sick or special needs children.