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VIII.1. Types of hypertension

There are two main types of hypertension. 

A. Resistant hypertension

This group includes essential hypertension. The cause of this type is the morphological and functional obstruction of small arteries, and the increased resistance of the peripheral blood vessels. The BP increases to overcome the resistance and to maintain the circulation. In this case, the systolic and the diastolic BP are enhanced too.  

B. Volume hypertension

A significantly increased circulating blood volume causes an enhanced heart rate, hyperthyroidism, and aortic valve insufficiency. In this case, only the systolic BP is increased. The diastolic BP does not change, and the pulse amplitude is enhanced.

A. Essential (Primary) hypertension

This accounts for 95% of all the cases. It is caused by

psycho-social stress


physical inactivity


genetic factors

consequential (caused by an organic disorder)

other cases:

enhanced sympathetic activity

Increase of myocardial contraction

a heart rate increase

enhanced vasoconstriction



Na+ and water retention

increased pituitary function

increased AGC function

enhanced resistance

Cortisol and aldosterone production ↑

Angiotensinogen production in adipose tissue ↑

B. The subtypes and causes of secondary hypertension


inflammatory, immune and vascular causes


catecholamine, cortisol and aldosterone effects

thyroid origin

parathyroid origin


pregnancy origin