Csaba Varga, PhD, Anikó Pósa, PhD, Krisztina Kedvesné Kupai: The metabolic syndrome
III.4.A. Gastrin
Its production is stimulated by peptides and amino acids in the stomach.
Its effects (Fig. 12):
- release of hydrochloric acid (HCl) from parietal cells in the stomach ↑,
- histamine release from enterochromaffin cells in the stomach ↑,
- Pylorus motility ↑,
- ileum motility ↑,
- gastric mucosa proliferation ↑,
- gastric pepsin secretion ↑.
It is stimulated by GRP, N and ACTH (through Somatostatin inhibition).
It is inhibited by Somatostatin, secretin, GIP, VIP and acids.
Figure 12. The regulation of gastrin release
(GRP = gastrin-releasing peptide, Ach = acetylcholine, ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone, N = norepinephrine, VIP = vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, GIP = gastric inhibitory peptide;
red arrow = inhibition, green arrow = stimulation)