VII.7. Dyslipidemia
In consequence of metabolic disorders, lipolysis is enhanced. The FFA produced stimulate VLDL production in the liver. After the formation of VLDL-HDL-LDL, the amount of oxidized LDL increases. A high TG level stimulates this transformation process. Dyslipidemia is characterized by high TG, low HDL and high LDL levels.
The presence of the small dense LDL-B is very dangerous. The breakdown of LDL-B takes longer in the plasma; it is oxidized rapidly. The oxidized form is excreted with difficulty by the kidneys, and it therefore enters the foam cells and is deposited in the vessel walls. A low HDL level is an important risk factor for CVD (at a normal LDL level too). HDL normally decreases the cholesterol level in the tissues, and hence decreases the amount of cholesterol deposited in the vessel walls. Moreover, HDL decreases thrombus formation through the stimulation of PGI2.