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The technique of straight overhand serve

The serve is performed at the area created for this, the service area, taking advantage of the full end line permitted by the rules, and the area behind the end line. The students stand so that the foot opposite the hitting hand is in aslant straddle, a convenient position behind the line in front of the net, positioning so that the performance is always behind the service area.

Students must learn the optimum distance between the end line and the feet, so that there is no fault at the serve, that is, no illegal serve. The ball is in the hand opposite the hitting arm, in front of the hitting shoulder. After the impetus of the arm the tossed ball must be released at the shoulder’s level. The serve starts by tossing the ball overhead, to the level of the hitting arm, at about 80-120 cm. When the ball is tossed, the knee is stretching; the body weight is transferred onto the front foot. The arm next to the ear is bent, we hit the ball at the highest point, extending and hitting like a whip, touching the upper-back part of the ball. The contact is with a firm wrist, with closed or slightly open fingers, flat palm, performed strongly and dynamically. The hitting arm is extended from the elbow and the shoulder; after hitting, the student occupies his position on the court straight away.

The exercises are available at the link below.


  • Throw the ball over to the partner with one-hand overhand.
  • Hold the ball overhead opposite the hitting hand, then the hitting hand tries to hit it from there, with a straight overhand hit.
  • In pairs, after tossing the ball, practise the straight overhand serve.
  • In pairs at the net, serve from the attack line to the partner.
  • The serve is performed gradually increasing the distance from the attack line; reception by the other student.
  • In pairs, lining up at the end line, the serves are performed one by one, directing the ball to a given area.
  • Forming two teams, the teams compete in serving onto a target.
  • As a competition, we put a circle to the center of the court or to a given place; those who can serve precisely onto the target score a point.