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Unit 3. - CLIL policies

Unit Objectives

The aim of this section is familiarize students with the main principles and core features of CLIL methodology based on the works of Mehisto, Marsh and Frigols (2008) and Coyle, Hood and Marsh (2010) through discussions and reading exercises. In addition, it gives students a brief survey of CLIL-like practices in different European countries including Austria, Belgium and the United Kingdom

Unit Content:

3. 1.Warm-up. CLIL associations

3.1.1 Working with texts. The 4 Cs of CLIL

3.2. Discussion. The 4 Cs of CLIL

3.3. Warm-up discussion. The core features of CLIL methodology

3.4. Working with texts. The core features of CLIL methodology

3.4.1. Discussion

3.5. Working with texts. The seven principles of CLIL methodology

3.5.1. Theory into practice. The seven principles of CLIL methodology

3.6. Working with texts. Good practice from Austria, Belgium and the United Kingdom