Zámbóné Kocic Larisa: Dramatic Opera, Ode and Oratorio : Theatre III. (2020) [Online oktatási csomag (e-learning lecke/téma)]
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Angol cím
Dramatic Opera, Ode and Oratorio : Theatre III.
Absztrakt, leírás
This lesson discuses in the origin of the musical theatre (opera, oratorio and ode) particularly as it pertains to the literary debates of the age. The primary objective is to see how the critical debate (and the contemporary objections) against opera as a foreign cultural import informed and affected the development of English dramatic opera. Of especial interest will be the perceived opposition and tension between the dramatic text (the Delight of Reason) and the music (the Delight of Sense) and how English playwrights, Dryden in particular, employ this opposition in the plotlines of their operas. As the lecture’s focus is on the literary aspect of musical theatre, the work of Henry Purcell and George Frideric Handel will be mentioned in relation to their ties to the English literary “classics” of their age. Topics to be discussed: The origin of the English dramatic opera; The critique of the opera in contemporary English discourses; The collaboration of Dryden and Purcell; The State of Innocence; King Arthur, or the British Worthy; Handel: From Opera to Oratorio
Angol nyelvű abstract, leírás
This lesson discuses in the origin of the musical theatre (opera, oratorio and ode) particularly as it pertains to the literary debates of the age. The primary objective is to see how the critical debate (and the contemporary objections) against opera as a foreign cultural import informed and affected the development of English dramatic opera. Of especial interest will be the perceived opposition and tension between the dramatic text (the Delight of Reason) and the music (the Delight of Sense) and how English playwrights, Dryden in particular, employ this opposition in the plotlines of their operas. As the lecture’s focus is on the literary aspect of musical theatre, the work of Henry Purcell and George Frideric Handel will be mentioned in relation to their ties to the English literary “classics” of their age. Topics to be discussed: The origin of the English dramatic opera; The critique of the opera in contemporary English discourses; The collaboration of Dryden and Purcell; The State of Innocence; King Arthur, or the British Worthy; Handel: From Opera to Oratorio
Oktatási anyag típusa: | Online oktatási csomag (e-learning lecke/téma) |
Angol cím: | Dramatic Opera, Ode and Oratorio : Theatre III. |
Dátum: | 2020 |
Nyelv: | angol |
Tananyag típusa: | olvasmány, jegyzet, tankönyv |
Tipikus tanulási idő: | 4 óra |
Nehézségi szint: | 3 |
Célcsoport: | Hallgató típus Szak típus BSc/BA nappali BSc/BA távoktatás BSc/BA levelező |
Feladatcél: | A hallgató megismeri az opera és az irodalom kölcsönhatását, a műfaj történelmi és ideológia beágyazottságát a 18. századi angol társadalomban. |
Hivatalos webcím (URL): | http://ieas-szeged.hu/sociablespirit/ |
Kapcsolódó URL-ek: | https://forms.gle/by3DdW6yD7DBsHDa7, https://dtk.tankonyvtar.hu/xmlui/handle/123456789/13534 |
Projektek: | EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-00014 |
Alprojekt: | AP6 |
Altéma száma: | AP6_BTK_2 |
Tanszék, intézet: | Angol-Amerikai Intézet, Angol Tanszék |
Kar: | Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar |
Szemeszter: | 2020/21/2 |
Kurzuskód: | ANGBA3- Literature Survey Course |
Kurzusnév: | Restoration & Eighteenth-Century English Literature |
Megjegyzések: | Adams, Martin. 2017. “Opera as Literature and the Triumph of Music.” In Music in the London Theatre from Purcell to Handel, edited by Colin Timms and Bruce Wood, 25-37. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Anon. 1727. The Devil to pay at St. James’s etc. London: Printed for A. Moore, near St. Paul’s, and sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster. Dennis, John. 1706. An Essay on the Operas After the Italian Manner. London: Printed for, and to be Sold by John Nutt near Stationer’s Hall. Dryden, John. 1678. The State of Innocence, and Fall of Man: An Opera. Written in Heroic Verse. London: Printed by H. H. for Henry Herringman, at the Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New Exchange. Dryden, John. 1691. King Arthur: or, The British Worthy. A Dramatic Opera. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judges-Head in Chancery-Lane near Fleetstreet. Gardner, Matthew. 2017. “Seventeenth-Century Literary Classics as Eighteenth-Century Libretto Sources: Congreve, Dryden and Milton in the 1730s and 1740s.” In Music in the London Theatre from Purcell to Handel, edited by Colin Timms and Bruce Wood, 157-174. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Granville, George. 1721. The British Enchanters; or, No Magic like Love. A Dramatic Poem. n.p. Smith, Ruth. 2004 (1995). Handel’s Oratorios and Eighteenth-Century Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Walkling, Andrew R. 2017. Masque and Opera in England, 1656-1688. London – New York: Routledge. |
Kulcsszavak: | angol irodalom története, 18. sz. |
Angol kulcsszavak: | dramatic opera, John Dryden, Henry Purcell, George Frideric Handel, oratorio |
Szakterület: | 06. Bölcsészettudományok 06. Bölcsészettudományok > 06.02. Nyelvek és irodalom 06. Bölcsészettudományok > 06.02. Nyelvek és irodalom > 06.02.05. Specifikus irodalom 06. Bölcsészettudományok > 06.02. Nyelvek és irodalom > 06.02.05. Specifikus irodalom > Irodalomtörténet 06. Bölcsészettudományok > 06.04. Művészetek (művészetek, művészettörténet, előadóművészetek, zene) 06. Bölcsészettudományok > 06.04. Művészetek (művészetek, művészettörténet, előadóművészetek, zene) > 06.04.03. Előadóművészet (zene, színháztudomány, dramaturgia) |
Feltöltés dátuma: | 2020. Aug. 07. 08:29 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2022. Már. 09. 15:46 |
URI: | https://eta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/3177 |
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