
The SZTE Repository of Educational Resources contains electronic learning materials created by professors of the University of Szeged. This archive is part of the Contenta repositories, operated by the Klebelsberg Library.

As part of the SZTE Open Online Education (SZTE O3) strategy, the mission of the SZTE Repository of Educational Resources is to be a central supporting system of long-term preserving, cataloguing/elaborating and providing the electronic learning materials.

The repository collects the following type of learning materials:
- Archived educational packages from e-learning and MOOC frameworks
- Notes and textbooks
- Presentations from lectures
- Digital photographs or visual images for educational use
- Digital videos for educational use
- Sound recordings for educational use
- Guides: information materials, tutorials, descriptions
- Teaching Materials: lecture notes, exercises, exam papers or course syllabi
- Other educational materials within the scope of the repository, but not covered by the categories mentioned above.

First of all, the professors and library administrators upload the learning materials, and after multiple levels of approval, they become available for the users.

User guide for uploading learning materials to SZTE Repository of Educational Resources.

There are three types of access levels in the repository:
- Public, accessible from anywhere
- SZTE eduID users only
- Repository staff only

If you need any technical or content related help, you can contact us via this e-mail: