III.5.2. Global demographic trends
The absolute number of the world’s population is exponentially growing ( from 3 billion to 7 billion in a 50-year period!). In addition, the distribution by age is changing, too. In the developed countries, which play the most important role in sending (exporting) sport tourists, the number and proportionof the elderly is on the growth. About one fifth of the total popualtion in developed countries, like Italy, germany and Japan are older than 65. By 2040 the proportion of the 50+ group will have reached 50 %.
How dies this trend affect sport tourism? According to data taken from surveys active sport tourists are msotly young and middle-aged people. (Bartolucci, M. 2005). At the same time it can be seen that the sport activity of seniors is on the rise, too. Seniors have and will have an increasingly important role in the sport tourism market. They travel more frequently, spend more money per trip, and consider sport as an activity of utmost importance. It can be concluded from the above that offers need to be based on the health care and activity needs of this age group.