Cheesman Samantha Joy: Post-pandemic global perspectives on the right to health. (2021) [Online oktatási csomag (e-learning lecke/téma)]
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Angol cím
Post-pandemic global perspectives on the right to health
Absztrakt, leírás
During the course students will acquire an indepth knowledge of the competing interests at play between health and human rights. Focus will be directed at the global responses in the post-pandemic climate and how this varied and why. Students will also gain a comparative perspective of the universality and cultural aspects to the varying levels of human rights implementation when it comes to the right to health. Students will learn to navigate the various human rights instruments both internationally, and regionally which work together to provide the framework for protection. Where relevant reference will be made to the applicable case law and case studies illustrating for students the real life application of this area of the law. The course will also look at the language which is used when talking in terms of health and human rights and the need to bear in mind the key concepts and distinctions of freedoms and entitlements. Students will learn how to draw the links between health, human rights and the value of bringing public health concerns more predominantly into human rights work.
Angol nyelvű abstract, leírás
During the course students will acquire an indepth knowledge of the competing interests at play between health and human rights. Focus will be directed at the global responses in the post-pandemic climate and how this varied and why. Students will also gain a comparative perspective of the universality and cultural aspects to the varying levels of human rights implementation when it comes to the right to health. Students will learn to navigate the various human rights instruments both internationally, and regionally which work together to provide the framework for protection. Where relevant reference will be made to the applicable case law and case studies illustrating for students the real life application of this area of the law. The course will also look at the language which is used when talking in terms of health and human rights and the need to bear in mind the key concepts and distinctions of freedoms and entitlements. Students will learn how to draw the links between health, human rights and the value of bringing public health concerns more predominantly into human rights work.
Oktatási anyag típusa: | Online oktatási csomag (e-learning lecke/téma) |
Angol cím: | Post-pandemic global perspectives on the right to health |
Dátum: | 2021. Április 30. |
Nyelv: | angol |
Tananyag típusa: | online oktatási csomag |
Tananyag szervezettségi szintje: | önálló tantárgy, kurzus |
Tipikus tanulási idő: | 2 weeks |
Nehézségi szint: | 3 |
Célcsoport: | Hallgató típus Szak típus BSc/BA nappali szakirányú továbbképzés távoktatás |
Készségterületek: | English |
Támogatók: | European Union |
Projektek: | EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00007 (ÁJTK) |
Alprojekt: | AP6 |
Altéma száma: | AP6_AJTK |
Tanszék, intézet: | Institute of Comparative Law and Legal Theory |
Kar: | Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar |
Szemeszter: | 2021/2 |
Kurzuskód: | O/PGP, FKNI1412 |
Kurzusnév: | Post-pandemic global perspectives on the right to health |
Kulcsszavak: | emberi jogok |
Angol kulcsszavak: | right to health, human rights |
Szakterület: | 05. Társadalomtudományok 05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.05. Jogtudomány 05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.05. Jogtudomány > 05.05.01. Jog, kriminológia, büntetéstudomány 05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.05. Jogtudomány > 05.05.01. Jog, kriminológia, büntetéstudomány > Jogtudományok, alkotmányok, összehasonlító jog 05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.05. Jogtudomány > 05.05.01. Jog, kriminológia, büntetéstudomány > Emberi jogok |
Feltöltés dátuma: | 2021. Jún. 22. 07:57 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2021. Jún. 22. 07:57 |
URI: | |
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