Territorial and local administrative system in Hungary

Siket Judit: Territorial and local administrative system in Hungary. (2020) [Online oktatási csomag (e-learning lecke/téma)]

[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative in Hungary: Preface]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative in Hungary: Preface)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: Introduction, General Interpretation of PA]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: Introduction, General Interpretation of PA)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:2.	Different levels of public administration; central, territorial and local organisations of administrative systems in a European comparison]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:2. Different levels of public administration; central, territorial and local organisations of administrative systems in a European comparison)
EFOP362_Territorial_and_Local_Admin_2_Different_levels_Siket Judit_20200930.pdf

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:3.	Two pillars of public administration: State administrative functions and local self-governance.]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:3. Two pillars of public administration: State administrative functions and local self-governance.)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 4.	Theoretical foundations of local self-governance]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 4. Theoretical foundations of local self-governance)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 5.	European Charter of Local Self-Governments. Questions of local autonomy, the legal nature of the Charter. Monitoring system of the Charter.]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 5. European Charter of Local Self-Governments. Questions of local autonomy, the legal nature of the Charter. Monitoring system of the Charter.)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:6.	The activity of the Council of Europe in the field of local democracy.]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:6. The activity of the Council of Europe in the field of local democracy.)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:7.	Examples from the examination of local and regional democracy by the practice of the Congress]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:7. Examples from the examination of local and regional democracy by the practice of the Congress)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:8.	Local self-governments in Hungary, historical, organizational and functional perspective]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:8. Local self-governments in Hungary, historical, organizational and functional perspective)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:9.	Some aspects of local autonomy (1): Legislative, financial and economic autonomy, organizational, personnel and functional autonomy]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:9. Some aspects of local autonomy (1): Legislative, financial and economic autonomy, organizational, personnel and functional autonomy)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:10.	Some aspects of local autonomy (2): Administrative supervision, legal protection of right to local self-governance]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:10. Some aspects of local autonomy (2): Administrative supervision, legal protection of right to local self-governance)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:11.	Results and effects of the Hungarian reform measures concerning local self-government system]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:11. Results and effects of the Hungarian reform measures concerning local self-government system)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:12.	Development opportunities for the future in the field of territorial and local administration]
Szöveg (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:12. Development opportunities for the future in the field of territorial and local administration)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 1. Introduction]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 1. Introduction)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:2. Decentralization]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:2. Decentralization)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 3. Two pillars of PA]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 3. Two pillars of PA)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 4. Theoretical foundations]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 4. Theoretical foundations)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:5. European Charter of Local Self-Government]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:5. European Charter of Local Self-Government)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 6. Activity of Council of Europe]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 6. Activity of Council of Europe)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:7. Examples]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:7. Examples)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 8. Local Self-Governments in Hungary]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 8. Local Self-Governments in Hungary)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 9. Aspects of local autonomy (1)]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 9. Aspects of local autonomy (1))

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 10. Aspects of local autonomy (2)]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 10. Aspects of local autonomy (2))

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:11. Results and effects]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary:11. Results and effects)

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[thumbnail of Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 12. Development opportunities]
Prezentáció (Territorial and Local Administrative System in Hungary: 12. Development opportunities)

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Angol cím

Territorial and local administrative system in Hungary

Absztrakt, leírás

A kurzus legfontosabb célkitűzése, hogy bemutassa a hallgatók számára hazánk területi és helyi szintű közigazgatási rendszerét, különös tekintettel az önkormányzati rendszerre. A központi közigazgatás rendszerének vázlata csak annyiban kapcsolódik a tárgyhoz, amennyiben a területi és helyi közigazgatási rendszer kapcsolódását, feladatellátását érinti. A tárgy a hazai helyi önkormányzati rendszerről nyújt általános jellemzést, a helyi autonómia egyes elemeit tárgyalja részletesen. Az önkormányzatok és az állami szervek kapcsolatrendszerét részletesen vizsgálja az önkormányzati jogok védelme, a jogszerű hatáskörgyakorlás és a gazdasági autonómia szempontjából. Az autonómiaelemek tartalmának mélyreható elemzésekor tárgyalásra kerülnek az europanizációs hatások, különös tekintettel az Európa Tanács helyi demokráciával kapcsolatos ajánlásaira és monitoring tevékenységére.

Angol nyelvű abstract, leírás

The course aims to introduce students to the territorial, local administrative structure of Hungary. The central level of the administrative system briefly presented, the topic of territorial and local level organisations are emphasised. The course provides general characteristics of Hungarian local self-government system, the basic elements of local autonomy are described in details. Presents interrelationship between local self-governments and central government bodies. During the discussion of certain topics are described the Europeanization effects, with particular attention to certain documents of the Council of Europe.

Oktatási anyag típusa: Online oktatási csomag (e-learning lecke/téma)
Angol cím: Territorial and local administrative system in Hungary
Dátum: 2020. Szeptember 30.
Nyelv: angol
Tananyag típusa: online oktatási csomag
Tananyag szervezettségi szintje: önálló tantárgy, kurzus
Tipikus tanulási idő: 12 hét
Nehézségi szint: 3
Hallgató típus
Szak típus
Feladatcél: Alapvető ismeretek megszerzése hazánk területi és helyi szintű közigazgatási rendszeréről, különös tekintettel az önkormányzati rendszerre, amely a Helyi Önkormányzatok Európai Chartája végrehajtásának elemzésével valósul meg.
Készségterületek: A közigazgatás alapintézményeinek ismerete
Szerzői jog birtokosa: Siket Judit
Projektek: EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00007 (ÁJTK)
Alprojekt: -
Altéma száma: -
Tanszék, intézet: Közjogi Intézet
Kar: Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
Szemeszter: 2020/2021/2
Kurzuskód: O/TLAS
Kurzusnév: Territorial and Local Administrative System of Hungary
Kulcsszavak: local self-government, local public administration
Angol kulcsszavak: local slef-government, local public administration
Szakterület: 05. Társadalomtudományok
05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.05. Jogtudomány
05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.05. Jogtudomány > 05.05.01. Jog, kriminológia, büntetéstudomány
05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.05. Jogtudomány > 05.05.01. Jog, kriminológia, büntetéstudomány > Magánjog, közjog és szociális jog
Feltöltés dátuma: 2020. Nov. 12. 09:13
Utolsó módosítás: 2020. Nov. 12. 09:13
URI: https://eta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/3597
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