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Cancer genetics
Capsicum genus : „A paprika fajok eredete”
Carbon nanotubes quench singlet oxygen generated by photosynthetic reaction center proteins
Carcinoma of vulva
Cardiovascular system : diuretic drugs
Career socialization training
Carrier-envelope phase drift detection of picosecond pulses
Carrier envelope phase drift of picosecond frequency combs from an ultrahigh finesse Fabry-Perot cavity
Carrier-envelope phase drift of picosecond frequency combs from an ultrahigh finesse Fabry-Perot cavity
Case collection of ethical dilemmas in medicine
Case report: surgical management of a patient with stage III MRONJ
Case study on parallel development paths in the Hungarian Danube area
Cavum nasi, cavum oris, pharynx
C&C Day 1 F20 online
Celestial mechanics : the perturbed Kepler problem
Center of excellence for advanced and intelligent control
Central nervous system : opioid analgesic drugs
Ceramics and glass-ceramics (bioinert, calcium-phosphate ceramics, bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics) : composites and natural materials
Cereal processing and cereal based foods
Cervical brachytherapy as part of definitive radiotherapy of cervical cancer
Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer case presentation : reading lesson
Challenges and opportunities in Russian Chinese relations
Challenges in the immunotherapy : PD1- inhibitor induced pneumonitis - a metastatic melanoma case presentation - reading lesson
Challenges in the therapy of dermatomyositis
Characterization of UV-B induced cellular processes in a keratinocyte cell line (HPV-KER) immortalized with the HPV-E6 oncogene
Chemistry of non-aqueous solutions, melts and extremely concentrated aqueous solutions
Chest mobilization of the patients with COPD
Chest radiology
Child and adolescent psychiatry
Chocolate and health
Chrestomathia nganasanica
Chronic pain threshold changes in a new complex schizophrenia model
cisz- és transz-1-Aminoindán2-szulfonsavak szintézise
Citogenetikai, genetikai és genomikai vizsgáló módszerek a klinikai genetika gyakorlatban
Civil szervezetek szerepe a felnőttképzésben
Classroom interaction
Classroom language
Classroom management
Cleansing and isolating the operative field : positions held in the OR - A műtéti terület lemosása és izolálása : mozgás a műtőben
Cleft lip and palate surgery
Clinical genetics and genomics
Clinical microbiology : antibiotic therapy
Clinical microbiology : helminth therapy of allergic diseases
Clinical microbiology : human vaccine production
Clinical microbiology : Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) applications in clinical microbiology
Clinical microbiology : molecular biology diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis infections
Clinical microbiology : molecular diagnostic methods of sexually transmitted infections
Clinical microbiology : tropheryma whipplei
Clinical microbiology : viral infections of the respiratory tract
Clinical microbiology : virotherapy
Clinical trial management
Clinics and diagnostics of chromosomal abnormalities
Cochlearis implantáció
Coffehouse culture and satire
Collection of texts (1961-2020) concerning European Economic and Monetary Union
Commonly held views about Second Language Acquisition
Communication and marketing of adult education organizations
Communication in pharmacy practice
Comparative common law
Comparative constitutional law and governance theory
Comparative digital criminal justice : an editorial
Comparison of different urban areas with respect to thermal comfort conditions in Budapest (Hungary)
Comparison of quenched and annealed invariance principles for random conductance model
Complexities on the capital market
Computational biochemistry
Conceptual thinking about regional competitiveness : competition, region types, modeling and measuring
Congenitalis szívsebészet
Connection between the membrane electron transport system and Hyn hydrogenase in purple sulfur bacterium, Thiocapsa roseopersicina BBS.
Connective tissues
COnstitutive Photomorphogenic Protein1 (COP1) szerepének vizsgálata a humán keratinociták fényválaszában
Constitutive Photomorphogenic Protein is involved in the UVB-induced cellular response of human keratinocytes
Constraining Hořava-Lifshitz gravity by black hole accretion
Contemporary issues of public administration - globalisation
Content-language integrated learning : theory and practice
Convex geometry
Copyright law policy : national and international : textbook
Coronaria műtétek
Coronary surgery
Corporate finance
Corporate social responsibility for SMEs
Correction of error motion in a line-scanning tomographic optical microscope
Could polycythemia vera be a vascular "risk factor" in woman?
Coupled plasmonic resonances on biofunctionalized silver nanoparticle-aggregates
Covert online entrapment in transnational criminal cases / case study (Italy-Hungary)
Cranial modifications
Cross-border cooperation in the Hungarian Slovakian border region
Crossroads : effective methods to support adult learning
Cross-sections of the brainstem
Család, gyerek, társadalom
Családi jogi ismeretek : jogi asszisztens képzés
Családjog I.
Családjog IV.
Családkonzultáció speciális élethelyzetben lévő családokkal I. : a bántalmazás hatása a családi rendszerre
Családkonzultáció speciális élethelyzetben lévő családokkal II. : addiktológiai problémával küzdő családokkal folyó segítői munka
Családmegismerési technikák
Császármetszés - Sectio Cesarea
Csecsemő és kisgyermek táplálás : hallgatói jegyzet
Csillagászat : elektronikus segédanyag a fizika BSc és a földtudományi BSc szakos hallgatók számára
Csökkentett laktóztartalmú sajtok kísérleti gyártása
Csoportos oktatási módszerek : (csoportmunka, kooperatív tanulás, probléma alapú tanulás), oktatástechnikai eszközök és munkaszervezési formák : 5. lecke
CT imaging
CT képalkotás
Curative oncological therapy in cervical cancer
Curriculum és oktatási stratégiák
Cyto- and molecular genetic methods in the clinical practice