
Types of motion


All points in an object have equal displacement and velocity vectors; all points move parallel to each other.


All points in an object (except a set of points that remain fixed; these form an axis) move in circular motion with different radii; the displacement and velocity vectors are different for different points.

Translation + rotation

Translation and rotation can occur together: the points in the axis move in translational motion whilst all the other points rotate about the axis – eg, rolling motion.

In rotation, all particles of an object go round in circular motion but there is a set of one or more particles (forming a fulcrum or an axis) which remain fixed.


The point which remains fixed in rotational motion – eg, the tip of a top (a spinning toy).


The line formed by the points that remain stationary during rotational motion – eg, hinge of a door.

Rigid object

An extended object in which the relative locations of all particles of which the object is composed remain constant.

We shall only consider rotation about a fixed axis; in this special rotation, any point of the axis can be regarded as the fulcrum.

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